Disposal of Old Documents Committee

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There are huge number of old answer scripts and other documents have been accumulated since inception of university activities. At present storage of these documents have become difficult within present office space and these are being increasing every exam (Midterm and Final Exam). Therefore, answer script/documents which may not require in future should be segregated and disposed as per rule.

In view of above a committee need to be examine and verify the scripts of various examinations for final disposal of the scripts. The Committee for Disposal of Old Document are formed with following personnel:

  1. Mohammad Julfikar Ali - Convener (Associate Professor & Head of DBA)
  2. Sadia Sultana - Member (Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE)
  3. Munshi Kamrul Islam- Member (Asst. Controller of Exam)
  4. Zahorul Haque- Member (Asst. Director, Admin)
  5. Md. Ifran Kader Chowdhury- Member Secretary(Additional Controller of Examinations)

The Committee will perform following duties:

  1. Will recommend for a period of time for preserving the scripts in university custody with terms and conditions.
  2. Segregate the answer scripts/ old documents and prepared a list to be disposed.
  3. Suggest means of disposal of the listed documents (Sell by weight to Street Vendor OR Burn)
  4. Any other suggestions

