Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Committee

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The International University of Scholars Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Committee was formed under the Bangladesh Private University Act 2010. To ensure the quality of higher education, the committee has to conduct its activities regularly and perform its duties regularly. In this regard, the committee will submit the details of the edited and implemented minutes to the authority in time for inclusion in the annual report. This cell will maintain regular communication with University Grants Commission and Bangladesh Accreditation Council and take appropriate steps to improve the quality of education at this university as directed by the two institutions. 

The International University of Scholars Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)  Committee consists of the following members: 
  1. Prof. Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, Vice-Chancellor (charge) and Dean, Engineering and Natural Science Faculty - Director
  2. Mr. Faisal Bin Alam, Associate Professor and Head, Textile Engineering - Additional Director, ETL  
  3. Mr. Mamun Al Rashid, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Additional Director, QA
  4. Supporing Members:
    Mr. Allan Anthony Gomes, Accounts Officer
    Sadia Islam Marria, Admission Executive 
    Al Amin Mia, Office Attendant  

