Mechatronics Club

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The mission of the Mechatronics Club is to foster an environment where students can explore, learn, and innovate in the field of electronics. We aim to provide resources, training, and opportunities for students to develop their skills, engage in projects, and contribute to the advancement of electronic technologies.
Vision: To be recognised as a premier center for innovation and excellence in electrical, electronics, and robotics. Empowering members to become visionary leaders and innovators in creating the future of technology. Through cutting-edge research, impactful projects, and collaborative activities, we hope to promote revolutionary change, address global concerns, and inspire the next generation of engineers to push the limits of possibility.

In 2023, the Electronic Club collaborated with the Robotics Club to initiate the Mechatronics Club with the aim of empowering students in electronics, information technology, robotics, innovation, and research, and guiding them in these endeavors. The Mechatronics Club organizes monthly training workshops for student’s skill development and conducts special sessions for advanced skills enhancement. Additionally, the club hosts various events to engage students in different tasks and projects:
The club organized a workshop on Arduino uno conducted by the Club Advisor and Lecturer from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sunjida Musfiq Nova. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino Uno is the ideal board for getting started with electronics, through fun and engaging hands-on projects.
Competitions :
Mechatronics Club proudly presented “Project Showcasing competition 1.0” at the spring semester of 2023 (4th August 2023) under the supervision of Dewan Mabrur Hasan Chowdhury the Club Advisor and Lecturer from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where innovation met brilliance. Project Showcasing is the platform where students unleash inventive solutions using robotics and automation. That was open for all the students of University Of Scholars.
The club hosted the second leg of the event “Project Showcasing competition 2.0” for the fall semester of 2024 (23rd February 2024) which was again a huge success under the supervision of Sunjida Musfiq Nova the Club Advisor and Lecturer from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The event acknowledged the presence of all the influential figures of the University.
Under the club, Department of EEE, students’ team “Team Orbit” won the National Award for “Best Innovation” for their “Self Balancing Robot and Self Balancing Cube” at the “Digital Bangladesh Expo-2022” .
Additionally, in the same year, Team Orbit achieved 1st runners-up twice consecutively at the “EEE Day 2022” of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and the “Beyond the Matrix-2022” project show at Islamic University of Technology (IUT) for the same project.






