Senior Lecturer

Md. Ashif Mahmud Joy

Md. Ashif Mahmud Joy

Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


I graduated from United International University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. I am a problem solver and passionate about software project development. My research interest is Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Deep Conversational Neural Networks. I have done my fully functional capstone project on it.

Educational Qualifications:
SN  Degree  Institute Passing Year
1  BSc  United International University   2022
2  HSC  Dhaka College  2016
3  SSC  Engineering University School and College  2014

Job Experience:




Senior Lecturer International University of Scholars June 2024 - Present
 Lecturer  International University of Scholars May 2022 - May 2024
 Reactjs Developer  Shuffle BV(Amsterdam)  2022 (2 Months)
 Social Media Manager  Adios BD   2021 (5 Months)


No publications yet; working on two papers at this moment.

  1. Python for everybody - from Udemy
  2. Development with Django - from Udemy
  3. Javascript 20 projects - from Udemy
  4. Reactjs for beginners - from Udemy
  5. Graphics designing advanced - from Udemy
  6. Full stack web development - from Programming Hero
  7. Machine Learning with CNN - from Udemy
  8. SQA Management - from Lynda