Publications - Anirban Sarkar

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  1. pH and Temperature Monitoring with a GSM-based Auto Feeding System of a Biofloc Technology.
    Biofloc technology (BFT), the new "blue revolution" in aquaculture, has the potential to increase aquaculture production's sustainability without sacrificing quality. The main challenge of biofloc technology is the recycling of waste nutrients, particularly nitrogen, into microbial biomass by controlling the water property. Much work has been published since the introduction of BioFloc Technology to evaluate this system in various contexts and under various nutritional situations. This paperwork is being done on the design and development of a water quality monitoring system of a Biofloc, with the objective of notifying the user through some LED’s and displays. The pH value and temperature of water in Biofloc are sensed with a pH sensor and temperature sensor respectively and will notify through LED’s. Also, an automatic feeding system is added which is controlled by sending SMS through a GSM module that controls a servo motor to open and close the food gate accordingly. 
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  2. The Success of the Electric Vehicle and Simulation of an Electric Vehicle Navigation System with PWM Control.
    This paper gives an outline of ongoing work on electric vehicles in the area. The paper depicts the turn of events, and examination of various pieces of the principal segments of battery innovation, engine, forward, invert, start-stop, and slowing down are inspected. The paper examines the benefits of diesel motors and electric motors. Here are a few depictions of how the dark smoke from a diesel motor can harm our bodies. The paper, at last, appears as models of some electric vehicles finishing of administrative work.
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  3. Study on Ultra-Wideband (UWB) System and Its Applications. 
    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) system is a prominent wireless technology which provides a very different approach compared to traditional narrowband systems. It is considered a promising solution for high data-rate and short-range wireless communication system to meet an ever-growing demand for high speed. This technology is developed to transfer data at high rates over short distances at a very low frequency. Before 2001 UWB’s application was limited mainly in military areas and gradually Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has allowed the commercial usage of the bandwidths of UWB. FCC regulates the frequency for the UWB technique is from 3.1ghz to 10.6ghz and the linear band is 500 mhz. In this paper, we’ve mainly focused on its applications in different arenas. This paper also represents its technological challenges, the advantages, and drawbacks as well as future work scopes. Details - (link)

  4. Access point management in overcrowded WLANs. 
    In this paper, we analyze the relationship of number of access point (AP) and achieved throughput for a given scenario. In the scenario, we consider a number of parameters, i.e. given area, topology, number of users, expected rate and channel allocation vector. We find that in general with the increase of AP the performance of overall network improves. However, after a certain number of deployed APs, further increase of AP does not bring substantial improvement in the network performance. More specially, performance deteriorates after a threshold value of number of APs. The main reason for this performance deterioration is the increase of interference between adjacent channel (or co-channel) interference. We verify the throughput increasing rate with proper management of Aps by simulation results using WIMNET (Wireless Internet-access Mesh Network) simulator.
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  5. A Smart Control System of Home Appliances Using SMS. 
    This paper is about the development and implementation of a GSM based password protected control system for electrical home appliances that enables to control remotely. GSM module is used for receiving short message service (SMS) from user’s mobile phone that automatically enable the controller to take any further action such as to switch ON or OFF the home appliances such as lights, air-conditioners, fans, water pumps, door locks, TVs etc. Hardware of the system has been developed using an Arduino Uno board, GSM modules, some switching relays and some other easily available electronic components. The driving software has been made using the Arduino IDE. The system is activated when only the user sends the SMS to the controller at home with the exact password. Upon receiving the SMS command, the microcontroller unit will decode the received SMS automatically and controls the electrical home appliances by switching ON or OFF the device according to the user direction.
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