Publications - Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim

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  • Publications - Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
  1. “Producing electricity from geothermal energy”, DOI:10.1109/EEEIC.2011.5 874669, 13 June 2011, IEEE
    Authors: Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif & Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
    Published on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2011 10th International Conference
    This work emphasis on producing electricity from geothermal energy. The paper talks about geothermal energy and also focuses on geothermal power plant and the basic operation of such a plant. It also focuses on issues like the potential, environmental impacts and generation capacity of geothermal power plant. It provides ample information which justifies why this method of producing electricity can be a primary choice in near future.
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  2. “Hybrid Power System Model for Off-Grid Rural Areas of Bangladesh”, 978- 1-7281-0174-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE, 30th – 31st January, 2019, IEEE
    Authors: Rajib Baran Roy, Enamul Basher, Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim, Md. Altaf Hossain
    Published on International Conference on Electrical, Communications, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing (ICECEIC-2019)

  3. “Investigation of suitability of operating frequency and electro technical modeling of microwave oven”, DOI:10.1109/EEEIC.2011.5 874745, 13 June 2011, IEEE
    Authors: Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif & Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
    Published on 2011 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering
    This paper is about electro-technical modeling of microwave oven. The aim of the work is to investigate the suitability of the operating frequency and to investigate why food which has been warmed in a microwave oven often requires a non-uniform temperature distribution. This would be done by making an electromagnetic model that determines the field distribution and the heat transfer to the food, as well as a thermal model that describes the heat transfer between different parts of the food.
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  4. “Extraction of Characteristics Quantities and Electro-Technical Modeling of Electrodynamic Direct Radiator Loudspeaker”, Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2011, ISSN 2229-5518, November 2011, IJSER
    Authors: Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim, Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif, Md. Asiqur Rahman, Shauk Muntaha Murshid Khan, Noor Ehteshamul Azad, Md. Shahnewaz Bhuiyan
    Published in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    This paper documents a comprehensive study of loudspeaker modeling to propose such a model that could be used for dimensioning the driver element of an electrodynamic direct radiator loudspeaker system. A lumped-parameter model for such a driver element mounted in an infinite baffle is presented after being derived from careful consideration of the physical principles related to the electro-mechano-acoustic transduction mechanism of the driver element under inspection. Different characteristics quantities such as resonance frequency, Q-number, acoustic efficiency at maximum radiated sound power, frequency response and electrical impedance were extracted from the models representing the loudspeaker driver elements of diameter 8”, 16” and 32. Subsequently the outcomes were compared and their behaviors verified with the help of extensive simulation results.
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  5. “Tidal Power: An Effective Method of Generating Power”, Volume 2, 5, May 2011, IJSER
    Authors: Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif & Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
    Published on International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    This article is about tidal power. It describes tidal power and the various methods of utilizing tidal power to generate electricity. It briefly discusses each method and provides details of calculating tidal power generation and energy most effectively. The paper also focuses on the potential this method of generating electricity has and why this could be a common way of producing electricity in the near future
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  6. “Fuzzy Logic based Matrix Converter Controlled Induction Motor Drive”, IEEE
    Authors: Rajib Baran Roy, Jerome Cros, Enamul Basher, Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
    Published on International Humanitarian Technology Project Competition (IHTPC-IEEE R10HTC 2017)
    In terms of efficiency, lifetime, compactness and unity power factor operation, the matrix converter is far better than the conventional converter. The conventional control topology based converter is not suitable for efficient speed control of induction motor by direct torque control system. The fuzzy controller based matrix converter can be a suitable option for efficient speed control of induction motor by direct torque mechanism. The mathematical model of switching algorithm of matrix converter as well as power and fuzzy logic controller are designed by modified venturini algorithm and mandani rule. The performance of the proposed fuzzy controller based matrix converter drive is first evaluated by simulated model by using Matlab Simulink. A laboratory setup comprising of DSP and FPGA control based matrix converter drive is used to validate the simulation results of the simulated model. From both simulated and experimental results, the efficient and stable control of torque of induction motor with distortion less output current and less THD (total harmonic distortion) in output voltage can be obtained.
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  7. “A Novel Algorithm with a New Form of Adaptive Modulation for Mobile WiMAX Performance Improvement”, ISBN 978- 89-5519-154-7, Feb.13~16, 2011
    Authors: Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim, Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif & Mohammad Tareq
    Published on ICACT2011
    (WiMAX) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access is a promising broadband wireless technology that promises high-speed data services. Mobile WiMAX is a broadband wireless solution that enables junction of mobile and fixed broadband networks through a common wide area broadband radio access technology and flexible network structural design. Mobile WiMAX is based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing/ orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Access (OFDM/OFDMA) technology. It supports Adaptive Modulation and Coding in both downlink and uplink with variable packet size. This paper presents a new form of Adaptive Modulation (AM), which has the ability to improve the data rate of Mobile WiMAX OFDMA system especially at low SNR values, this new form of AM will combine together with the simplest Peak to Average Power ratio (PAPR) reduction technique, which is the clipping to produce a novel algorithm called Modulation adaptation and Clipping algorithm (MC) has the ability to improve the performance of Mobile WiMAX system through reducing the PAPR, improving the SER performance, and increasing the data rate.
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  8. “An FPGA Based Digital Controller for AC Loads Utilizing Half and Full Wave Cycle Control”, Volume 1, December 2010 Edition, IJSER
    Authors: Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim & Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif
    Published on International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    Voltage control for AC loads can be performed by controlling phase and cycles of AC voltages reaching load end. Cycle control tends to be more beneficial, as it reduces the amount of harmonic frequency in the circuit compared to phase control circuit. When a wave is passed in cycle control circuit, then either an entire half cycle or a complete full cycle is passed, hence eliminating the sharp change in the wave which is typical in phase control, causing harmonic frequency in the circuit. Cycle control is the most convenient process to control the output voltage for reducing RFI and this is the very approach that has been utilized in designing this project. This project utilized a voltage comparator to generate a digitized AC voltage and an SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) to supply the required AC cycles to the load. The central controller was a digital controller, implemented in a Xilinx Spartan - 2 FPGA. The digital controller utilized a Finite State Machine (FSM) that took in digital AC signal and the desired percentage of load voltage. With this information it passed a certain number of half or full cycles to the load, at the same time ensuring that, number of these AC cycles satisfied users percentage requirement. The digital controller was modeled in VHDL (Hardware Description Language), synthesized with XST tool, placed and routed in a Xilinx Spartan- 2 FPGA (xc2S50 – pq208) in Xilinx ISE 9.1i WebPack design environment. The placed and routed designed was implemented in the Pegasus FPGA board from Digilent containing the above mentioned FPGA. The simulations and the outputs of the implemented hardware accorded with the expected outputs.
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