Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee

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The International University of Scholars Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee was formed under the Bangladesh Private University Act 2010. It is a subcommittee that comes under the Discipline Committee. It will overlook complaints filed against anyone for sexual harassment and sexual oppression at all levels, formulate necessary policies for investigation and hearing, take effective action accordingly, and submit a proposal with recommendations needed for the Syndicate’s decision. 

The International University of Scholars Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee consists of the following members: 

  1. Mr. Faisal Bin Alam, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Textile Engineering - Chairman of the Committee
  2. Mr. Md. Shajib Molla, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration - Member
  3. Mr. Md. Najmul Huda, Lecturer and Head, Department of English - Member
  4. Shirajum Munira, Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering - Member
  5. Ayesha Siddiqa, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Member
  6. Sadia Sultana, Assistant Professor (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) - Member Secretary. 

