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Textile Syllabus (Regular)

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  • Textile Syllabus (Regular)
Level and Term Wise Course Outline
Total Credit-140

Level-1, Term-1
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 TEX-1101-0723 Natural Fiber 2
2 PHY-1103-0533 Physics-I 3
3 PHY-1104-0533 Physics- I Lab -
4 CHE-1105-0531 Chemistry-I
5 CHE-1106-0531 Chemistry-I Lab
6 MATH-1107-0541 Mathematics-I
7 HUM-1109-0222   Bangladesh Studies
  14  2 

Level-1, Term-2
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 TEX-1201-0723 Introduction to Textiles 3
2 TEX-1203-0723 Man-Made Fiber 2 -
3 TEX-1205-0723  Physics-II (Tex.)
4 TEX-1206-0723  Physics-II Lab (Tex.)
5  CHE-1207-0531 Chemistry-II
6  CHE-1208-0531 Chemistry-II Lab
7  MATH-1209-0541 Mathematics-II
8 HUM-1211-0223 Communicative English 3 -
  17  2 

Level-2, Term-1 
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 HUM-2101-0417 Art of Presentation
2 EEE-2103-0713 Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
3 EEE-2104-0713 Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Lab
4 TEX-2105-0723 Yarn Manufacturing-I
5 TEX-2106-0723 Yarn Manufacturing-I Lab
6 TEX-2107-0723 Fabric Manufacturing - I
7 TEX-2108-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-I Lab
8 TEX-2109-0723 Wet Processing-I
9 TEX-2110-0723 Wet Processing-I Lab - 1
10 TEX-2111-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-I 3 -
11 TEX-2112-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-I Lab - 1
  18  5 

Level-2, Term-2
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 ME-2201-0715 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 3 -
2 ME-2202-0715 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Lab - 1
3 BUS-2203-0413 Business Communication 3 -
4 TEX-2205-0723 Fabric Structure & Design 3 -
5 TEX-2206-0723 Fabric Structure & Design Lab - 1
6 TEX-2207-0723 Textile Quality Assurance-I 3 -
7 TEX-2208-0723 Textile Quality Assurance-I Lab - 1
8 BUS-2209-0414 Principles of Marketing 3 -
9 TEX-2211-0723 Polymer Science and Engineering 3 -
  18 3

Level-3, Term-1
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 BUS-3101-0411 Principles of Accounting
2 TEX-3103-0723 Yarn Manufacturing-II
3 TEX-3104-0723  Yarn Manufacturing-II Lab
4 TEX-3105-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-II
5 TEX-3106-0723  Fabric Manufacturing-II Lab
6 TEX-3107-0723  Wet Processing- II
7 TEX-3108-0723  Wet Processing- II Lab
8 TEX-3109-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-II
9 TEX-3110-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-II Lab 
  15  4

Level-3, Term-2
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 TEX-3201-0723 Technical Textiles 3 -
2 MATH-3203-0542 Statistics 3 -
3 TEX-3205-0723 Textile Quality Assurance-II 3 -
4 TEX-3206-0723 Textile Quality Assurance-II Lab - 1
5 ENV-3207-0521 Environment and Pollution Control 3 -
6 TEX-3209-0723 Textile and Apparel Merchandising 3 -
  15 1
Level-4, Term-1
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 TEX-4101-0723 Yarn Manufacturing-III/ Wet Processing-III/ Fabric Manufacturing-III/ Apparel Manufacturing-III (any one) 3 -
2 TEX-4102-0723 Yarn Manufacturing-III Lab/ Wet Processing-III Lab/ Fabric Manufacturing-III Lab/ Apparel Manufacturing-III Lab (any one) - 1
3 TEX-4103-0723

Yarn Manufacturing-IV/ Wet Processing-IV/ Fabric Manufacturing-IV/ Apparel Manufacturing-IV (any one)

3 -
4 TEX-4104-0723 Yarn Manufacturing- IV Lab/ Wet Processing- IV Lab/ Fabric Manufacturing- IV Lab/ Apparel Manufacturing- IV Lab (any one) - 1
5 TEX-4105-0723 Special Yarn Production/ Special Wet Processing/ Special Fabric Production/ Special Apparel Production (any one) 3 -
6 TEX-4107-0723 Textile Quality Management 3 -
7 PPC-4109-0715 Production Planning and Control 3 -
  15 2

Level-4, Term-2

SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 TEX-4202-0723 Thesis/Project Work - 3
2 TEX-4204-0723 Industrial Attachment - 3
3 TEX-4206-0723 Comprehensive Viva - 3


Elective Courses
Elective Subject (Yarn Manufacturing)
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1  YM-4101-0723  Yarn Manufacturing-III 3
2  YM-4102-0723  Yarn Manufacturing-III Lab -
3  YM-4103-0723  Yarn Manufacturing-IV  3 
4  YM-4104-0723  Yarn Manufacturing-IV Lab -
5  YM-4105-0723  Special Yarn Production  3 
  9 2


Elective Subject (Fabric Manufacturing)
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 FM-4101-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-III 3
2 FM-4102-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-III Lab -
3 FM-4103-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-IV  3 
4 FM-4104-0723 Fabric Manufacturing-IV Lab -
5 FM-4105-0723 Special Fabric Production  3 
  9 2


Elective Subject (Wet Processing)
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 WP-4101-0723 Wet Processing- III 3
2 WP-4102-0723 Wet Processing- III Lab -
3 WP-4103-0723 Wet Processing-IV  3 
4 WP-4104-0723 Wet Processing-IV Lab -
5 WP-4105-0723 Special Wet Processing  3 
  9 2


Elective Subject (Apparel Manufacturing)
SL No. Course Code Course Name Credit
Theory Lab
1 AM-4101-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-III 3
2 AM-4102-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-III Lab -
3 AM-4103-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-IV  3 
4 AM-4104-0723 Apparel Manufacturing-IV Lab -
5 AM-4105-0723 Special Apparel Production  3 
  9 2